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Label (internal) API

CSS Variables

You can customize the style of <Label /> component by using the following CSS Variables (custom properties):

.class-to-extend-styles {
--label-justify: flex-start;
--label-gap: 8px;
--label-font-family: "Roboto";
--label-font-size: 14px;
--label-font-weight: 600;
--label-text: #828282;
--label-text-focus: lightblue;
/* helper-text should be styled on the same level as the label */
--helper-text-color: #828282;
--primary: lightblue;
--secondary: lightpink;
--error: red; /* also used for error state */
--warning: orange;
--info: blue;
--success: green;

CSS Classes


The base styles for the <Label /> component.


Styles for the label to be displayed in a row.


Style for the label to be used with <Checkbox /> component.


Style for the label to be used with <Radio /> component.


Styles for the error state.


Styles for the disabled state.


Styles for the fullwidth size variant.


The base styles for the helper text.